We took over the refurbishment of this period house mid-project. Our clients were at breaking point following a series of unfortunate incidents with the original building contractor. It was a complicated situation that required delicate negotiation, yet by using our own team and some of the original tradesmen we pulled together to turn the project around.
From a plastered shell the whole house was refurbished with new plumbing, electrics, bathrooms, kitchen and even refurbishment of the outside pool area. Our clients wanted a traditional and exacting finish and a colour scheme which fitted the house and character beautifully. We are proud that from such a difficult start our client got exactly what they had dreamt of.
“Rexstone, quite frankly, saved our project from disaster. When our morale and budget were at a low ebb, having been the victims of a fraudulent and insolvent local project manager, Nigel and his team restored our faith in the trade and, through skilled management and calm advice, guided us back on track. Standards that matched our own and a thorough knowledge of all aspects of a build mark Rexstone out from the competition and I only wish that we had followed local advice and hired them at the start of our project.
Nigel managed the on-site staff, negotiated with and managed sub-contractors, liaised with building regs, made a complicated budget work and solved problems. Essentially, he helped us achieve our dream home out of what could have become a white elephant and we can not recommend Rexstone highly enough.”
Ryan Petersen
Consultant Director
The Corner Shop PR
020 7831 7657
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